‘The Friends of St Oswald’s CE School’ is a registered charity (registered number: 1095222) that supports the school and help raise money for additional resources and activities to enrich your children’s education. All of these things enhance the school environment greatly. Recent contributions have helped the school to buy new computers, library books and play equipment.
Ways you can be part of The Friends
- Come along to our meetings and share your fundraising ideas.
- Help out with our fundraising events – the Trustees take care of the charity registration and the finances but need many helping hands for fundraising events.
- Shop via https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/stoswaldsschdurham/
- Join our Facebook group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/196772117107481 Please remember to answer the joining questions!
If you have an idea for a great fundraiser then please let Katryna Wrathmall (Chair) know. Katryna and the other trustees can be contacted via email at friends@stoswaldsdurham.net or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/friendsofstoswalds
You can find the Friends noticeboard at the main school office entrance.
The four charity trustees are: Katryna Wrathmall (chair), Christopher Crabtree (secretary), Donna Smith (treasurer), Gemma Rigby and Gemma Lowes. All trustees have children attending St Oswald’s.
Facebook Group Guidelines (click here for a link to the Facebook group)