School Admissions

Admission to Reception

Children born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 will be eligible to start in September 2025.  The Governing Body of St Oswald’s School is the admissions authority and has published an admissions policy (see below).  The Local Authority is the coordinator of admissions and all applications should be made through Durham County Council.

Durham County Council’s website for full admissions information and to apply for a place.  Applications made after 15th January 2025 will be treated as late applications in accordance with our admissions policy.  Please contact Durham County Council’s admissions team if you would like to submit an application.

Reception 2026 admissions policy

Please contact the school office if you would like to visit the school on or phone 0191-386-8029.

Please access the link below for further information regarding Primary School applications.

Timelines and important dates for primary school applications – Durham County Council

If your child is not successfully allocated a place at our school then you may wish to join our waiting list for a place from 17th April.  The waiting list will be maintained until 31st August 2025.  If you would like your child to remain on the waiting list after this date then you must contact us again. Please contact the school office via email.  Our email address is 

As a Voluntary Aided school, we hold our own waiting list rather than this being controlled by Durham County Council.  We ask that you provide us with your child’s full name, date of birth and full address.  Please also provide contact telephone numbers for one or both parents.  By asking to join our waiting list, you must agree to us sharing information with the local authority’s admissions team as they calculate the distances from your home to our school and store the details within the LA’s school admissions system.

If you wish to submit a school place appeal then this should also be directed to the school office using the form/information below.  Please note that the Government have relaxed the requirements set out in the School Admissions Appeal Code (2012) due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis. 

What does this mean for an appeal against refusal of a place at St Oswald’s?  Our procedure and timetable have been updated.  Please download these below.  The deadline for any other appeal (e.g. in-year admissions) applies as per our procedure/timetable but where we refer to school days please note that this would be what would have been our normal term time dates.

Appeals at St Oswald’s School – procedure and timetable

Appeal notification form and further information

Further information about school place appeals can be found on Durham County Council’s website but please note that all forms regarding St Oswald’s must be returned to the school directly rather than the Council.

Admission to Year 1 to 6, or mid-year admission to Reception.

If you live in County Durham and wish to change your child’s primary school, or if you are moving into the area, please visit Durham County Council’s changing primary school web page for more information and an application form.

If your child is not successfully allocated a place at our school then you may wish to join our waiting list for a place.  The waiting list will be maintained until 31st August 2025.  If you would like your child to remain on the waiting list after this date then you must contact us again.  Please contact the school office directly regarding this.  Our email address is
As a Voluntary Aided school, we hold our own waiting list rather than this being controlled by Durham County Council.  We ask that you provide us with your child’s full name, date of birth and full address.  Please also provide contact telephone numbers for one or both parents.  By asking to join our waiting list, you must agree to us sharing information with the local authority’s admissions team as they calculate the distances from your home to our school and store the details within the LA’s school admissions system.

If you wish to submit a school place appeal then this should also be directed to the school office using the form/information below.

Appeals at St Oswald’s School – procedure and timetable

Appeal notification form and further information

Further information about school place appeals can be found on Durham County Council’s website but please note that all forms regarding St Oswald’s must be returned to the school directly rather than the Council.